Review...Sonic the Hedgehog
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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'Your neighborhood freak-of-nature hero...'
X-Box 360 and Playstation 3
Over the past years,Sonic has gone from a sega original to a disgusting blur of games
who pretty much are the same thing.This 'Original' storyline has a princess,a psychopath,
an obese evil villain,and a dark copy of the hero.I mean really.Oh!I almost forgot!This animal
freak thing called Sonic also falls in love with the princess.Big shocker.This game can hardly
call it's self a game.It makes me sad that Sega's original blue hedgehog has been falling in love with an ugly pea-brained human.I mean really.At one of the last sonic missions,they make you choose who to fall in love with!!!!!Either a princess or an obsessed pink blob....How could it be this stupid!!Impossible!!The music is alright,this being the only sonic game with good music.Funny how the WORST sonic game gets the BEST music ever.I think sega should be
proud.They get the gold trophy for the worst game they ever made!
Sonic's Story is a miserable game with romance and Corny talk.
Also play as: The loser psychopath,Silver ,or the Dark version of sonic,Shadow.
Silver is a raging lunatic who is from a terrible future,is lied to by the villian,
and thinks the hero is the evil person.Very original.
The only good part of this game was Shadow's Story.It's a lighthouse in a sea of darkness.
Driving is fun,and his storyline is not as corny as Sonic's.I think they did more work on
Shadow's than Sonics!They should of deleted Sonic and Silver-the lunatic-,and called it Shadow
the hedgehog 2.
There are four mission types:
-Activities:Talk with villagers and do stupid things like play tag with kids.
-Levels:Go through the magic glass and do some impossible jobs.
-Boss:Fight the two ugly monsters,the psychopath,or a giant robot.
-Runners(Sonic Only....greedy hedgehog):Run at impossible speeds without touching anything.
Graphics:A blurry mess
Sound:Musics Great,but voices are Bad
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